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合肥賽曼諾生物科技有限公司 Company Information

Company Name:    Cellmano Biotech Limited
Tel:    0551-65326643
Email:    info@cellmano.com
Nationality:    China
WebSite:    https://www.cellmano.com
Product List:    1011
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Product List
Neuropeptide SF (huMan) 192387-39-6
Osteocalcin (7-19) (huMan) 120944-72-1
Melanocyte Protein PMEL 17 (130-138) (huMan) Melanocyte Lineage-Specific Antigen GP100 (130-138) (huMan), MelanoMa-Associated ME20 Antigen (130-138) (huMan), ME20-M/ME20-S (130-138) (huMan), ME20M/ME20S (130-138) (huMan), 95 kDa Melanocyte-Specific Secret 162558-08-9
Neuroendocrine Regulatory Peptide-2 (huMan) NERP-2 (huMan)
Neuropeptide Y (2-36) (porcine) 102961-52-4
Octreotide Acetate 79517-01-4
Oxytocin Acetate 50-56-6
Neuropeptide Y (porcine) NPY (porcine) 83589-17-7
Neuropeptide EI (huMan, Mouse, rat) MCH Precursor (131-143) (huMan, rat), NEI (huMan, Mouse, rat), MCH Precursor (132-144) (Mouse), Neuropeptide EI (huMan, Mouse, rat), ProMelanin-Concentrating HorMone (111-123) (Mouse), ProMelanin-Concentrating HorMone ( 125934-45-4
Neuropeptide W-30 (huMan) NPW-30 (huMan), hPPL8 (33-62), Preproprotein L8 (33-62) (rat), hL8C 383415-80-3
Nesfatin-1 (huMan) Nucleobindin-2 (25-106) (huMan), NUCB2 (25-106) (huMan), DNA-Binding Protein NEFA (25-106) (huMan), Gastric Cancer Antigen Zg4 (25-106) (huMan)
NeuroMedin S (huMan) NMS (huMan)
Myelin Basic Protein (4-14) MBP (4-14) (bovine) 126768-94-3
MCH (salMon) Melanin-Concentrating HorMone (salMon) 87218-84-6
NeuroMedin B 87096-84-2
NeuroMedin U-25 (porcine) 98395-76-7
Pancreatic Polypeptide (bovine) 179986-89-1
Mating Factor α--SK2 alpha--SK2-Factor, α--SK2-Factor, PheroMone α--SK2-Factor 89718-47-8
Orexin B (huMan) Hypocretin-2 (huMan) 205640-91-1
Neurotensin (1-8) 80887-44-1
Osteogenic Growth Peptide OGP 132996-61-3
Melanocyte Protein PMEL 17 (256-264) (huMan, bovine, Mouse) 95 kDa Melanocyte-Specific Secreted Glycoprotein (256-264) (huMan, bovine, Mouse), Melanocyte Lineage-Specific Antigen GP100 (256-264) (huMan, bovine, Mouse), ME20-M/ME20-S (256-264) (huMan, bovi 156761-76-1
PACAP-38 (huMan, Mouse, ovine, porcine, rat) 124123-15-5
PACAP Related Peptide (1-29) (rat) 132769-35-8
Neuropeptide Y (3-36) (huMan, rat) 150138-78-6
Neuropeptide W-23 (huMan) NPW-23 (huMan) 383415-79-0
Neuropeptide W-23 (rat) rPPL8 (42-64), Preproprotein L8 (42-64) (rat), rL8, NPW-23 (rat) 383415-89-2
Neuropeptide Y (18-36) 114495-97-5
Oxytocin (free acid) 4248-64-0
Neurotensin (1-11) 74032-89-6
Melanocyte Protein PMEL 17 (44-59) (huMan, bovine, Mouse) Melanocyte Lineage-Specific Antigen GP100 (44-59) (huMan, bovine, Mouse), ME20-M/ME20-S (44-59) (huMan, bovine, Mouse), ME20M/ME20S (44-59) (huMan, bovine, Mouse), MelanoMa-Associated ME20 Antigen 195523-86-5
Neurokinin A NKA, Substance K, Neurokinin α, NeuroMedin L 86933-74-6
Orphan GPCR SP9155 Agonist P550 (Mouse) Orphan G-Protein Coupled Receptor SP9155 Agonist Peptide P550 (Mouse), P550 (Mouse) 600171-70-8
Neuropeptide FF F-8-F-NH2, NPFF, F-8-F-aMide 99566-27-5
Neuropeptide S (huMan) NPS (huMan) 412938-67-1
Osteocalcin (37-49) (huMan) 89458-24-2
Nesfatin-1 (Mouse) Nucleobindin-2 (25-106) (Mouse), NUCB2 (25-106) (Mouse), DNA-Binding Protein NEFA (25-106) (Mouse)
NeuroMedin S (rat) NMS (rat)
Neuropeptide Y (huMan, rat) NPY (huMan, rat) 90880-35-6
MCH-Gene-Overprinted-Polypeptide-14 (rat) MGOP-14 (rat) 182917-44-8
Melittin 20449-79-0
Myelin Proteolipid Protein (139-151) (depalMitoylated) (huMan, bovine, dog, Mouse, rat) Lipophilin (139-151) (depalMitoylated) (huMan, bovine, dog, Mouse, rat), PLP (139-151) (depalMitoylated) (huMan, bovine, dog, Mouse, rat), PLP (139-151) (depalMitoylat 131334-43-5
OvalbuMin (323-339) (chicken, japanese quail) OVA (323-339) (chicken, japanese quail) 92915-79-2
NeuroMedin U-23 (rat) NMU-23 117505-80-3
Neurotensin 55508-42-4
Obestatin (rat) 869705-22-6
MCH (huMan, Mouse, rat) Melanin-Concentrating HorMone (huMan, Mouse, rat) 128315-56-0
Nociceptin Orphanin FQ 170713-75-4
Met-Enkephalin-Arg-Arg 76496-10-1
Non-Aβ CoMponent of AlzheiMer's Disease AMyloid NAC 154040-19-4
Pancreatic Polypeptide (1-17)-(Ala31,Aib32)-Neuropeptide Y (18-36) (huMan) 313988-70-4
Met-Enkephalin-Arg-Gly-Leu Proenkephalin, MERGL 80501-44-6
PACAP-38 (28-38) (huMan, chicken, Mouse, ovine, porcine, rat) 160489-86-1
Neuropeptide S (1-10) (huMan) 904910-39-0
Neuroendocrine Regulatory Peptide-1 (rat) NERP-1 (rat) 954420-51-0
Motilin (canine) 85490-53-5
Orexin B (Mouse, rat) Hypocretin-2 (Mouse, rat) 202801-92-1
Neuropeptide VF (124-131) (huMan) V-8-F-NH2, NPVF 311309-27-0
Pancreastatin (33-49) (porcine) ChroMogranin A (272-288) (porcine) 106507-61-3
PACAP-38 (16-38) (huMan, chicken, Mouse, ovine, porcine, rat) 144025-82-1
PACAP-27 (huMan, Mouse, ovine, porcine, rat) 127317-03-7
Motilin (huMan, porcine) 9072-41-7
Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein (35-55) (huMan) MOG (35-55) (huMan) 163158-19-8
Nesfatin-1 (rat) Nucleobindin-2 (1-82) (rat), NUCB2 (1-82) (rat), DNA-Binding Protein NEFA (1-82) (rat)
Neuropeptide S (rat) NPS (rat) 412938-75-1
Nociceptin (1-13) aMide Orphanin FQ (1-13) aMide 178064-02-3
Neurokinin A (4-10) 97559-35-8
Neuropeptide Y (13-36) (huMan, rat) 122341-40-6
NeuroMedin U-25 (huMan) NMU-25 (huMan) 312306-89-1
OxyntoModulin (bovine, dog, porcine) OXM (bovine, dog, porcine), Preproglucagon (53-89) (bovine, dog, porcine), Proglucagon (33-69) (bovine, dog, porcine), Glucagon-37 (bovine, dog, porcine) 74870-06-7
Myelin Basic Protein (83-99) (bovine) MBP (83-99) (bovine) 178823-45-5
Orphan GPCR SP9155 Agonist P518 (huMan) P518 (huMan), Orphan G-Protein Coupled Receptor SP9155 Agonist Peptide P518 (huMan) 600171-68-4
Melanocyte Protein PMEL 17 (185-193) (huMan, bovine, Mouse) 95 kDa Melanocyte-Specific Secreted Glycoprotein (130-138) (huMan), Melanocyte Lineage-Specific Antigen GP100 (185-193) (huMan, bovine, Mouse), ME20M/ME20S (130-138) (huMan), ME20-M/ME20-S (130-1 162558-10-3
Obestatin (huMan) 1081110-72-6
Neuroendocrine Regulatory Peptide-2 (rat) NERP-2 (rat)
Neuropeptide Y (3-36) (porcine) 143863-88-1
Ovokinin OvalbuMin (358-365) (chicken), Gene X Protein FragMent (205-212) (chicken), Gene Y Protein (361-368) (chicken) 153512-29-9
OvalbuMin (257-264) (chicken) OVA (257-264) (chicken) 138831-86-4
Neuropeptide Y (1-24) aMide (huMan, rat) 131448-51-6
Neurokinin B NKB 86933-75-7
Osteostatin (huMan) HypercalceMia of Malignancy Factor (107-139) (huMan), pTH-Related Protein (107-139) (huMan) 137348-10-8
NeuroMedin U-8 (porcine) 98395-75-6
Pancreastatin (porcine) ChroMogranin A (240-288) (porcine) 106477-83-2
Neuropeptide Y (22-36) 119019-65-7
Met-Enkephalin-Arg-Phe MERF 73024-95-0
Neuropeptide Y (free acid) (huMan, rat) NPY (free acid) (huMan, rat) 99575-89-0
Met-Enkephalin-Lys-Lys 80237-40-7
PACAP-38 (31-38) (huMan, chicken, Mouse, ovine, porcine, rat) 138764-85-9
Neurogranin (30-45) (huMan) 146554-17-8
Pancreastatin (33-48) (huMan) ChroMogranin A (286-301) (huMan) 133605-57-9
Neuroendocrine Regulatory Peptide-1 (huMan) NERP-1 (huMan) 954420-50-9
Osteostatin aMide (huMan) pTH-rP (107-139) aMide (huMan), pTH-Related Protein (107-139) aMide (huMan), HypercalceMia of Malignancy Factor (107-139) aMide (huMan) 204383-55-1
Neuropeptide W-30 (rat) Preproprotein L8 (42-71) (rat), rL8C, rPPL8 (42-71), NPW-30 (rat) 383415-90-5
Neuropeptide Y (13-36) (porcine) 113662-54-7
Neuropeptide Y (2-36) (huMan, rat) 123139-39-9
Neuropeptide AF (huMan) A-18-F-aMide (huMan), NPAF (huMan) 192387-38-5
Orexin A (huMan, bovine, canine, Mouse, ovine, porcine, rat) Hypocretin-1 (huMan, bovine, canine, Mouse, ovine, porcine, rat) 205640-90-0
OxyntoModulin (huMan, Mouse, rat) OXM (huMan, Mouse, rat), Preproglucagon (53-89) (huMan, Mouse, rat), Proglucagon (33-69) (huMan, Mouse, rat), Glucagon-37 (huMan, Mouse, rat) 159002-68-3
PACAP-27 (6-27) (huMan, chicken, Mouse, ovine, porcine, rat) 136134-68-4
PACAP-38 (6-38) (huMan, chicken, Mouse, ovine, porcine, rat) 143748-18-9
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