
Sangon Biotech (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd.??? ?? ??? ?????.

?? ?:Sangon Biotech (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd.
URL: http://www.sangon.com
? ?? ?:47240

?? ????

L-693,403 maleate207455-21-8C24H27NO4
LAMA4 Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
LB Broth Agar-ready to use
KRT5 Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
Laminin A Chain (2091-2108)C82H149N31O26S
Sacubitril hemicalcium salt, 10 mM in DMSOAHU-377(heMicalciuM?)1369773-39-6C48H56CaN2O10
KRT18 Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
TPCK, 10 mM in DMSO402-71-1C17H18ClNO3S
KRT23 Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
LB-Top Agar
Kukoamine B mesylate1375179-86-4C28H42N4O6.CH4O3S
LAH4 acetate
LCP1 Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
LDHAL6B Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
L-(+)-Arabinose, 10 mM in DMSOL(+)-?????5328-37-0C5H10O5
LB Broth Powder, Miller
2,3-Diaminopropionic acidL-2,3-?????????4033-39-0C3H8N2O2
L-797,591 hydrochloride
LB sterile liquid medium (Streptomycin)
LB Agar Plate (Ampicillin)
L-Dithiothreitol, 10 mM in DMSO16096-97-2C4H10O2S2
KRT81 Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
L-(-)DBTA, Dibenzoyl-L-tartaric acid, monohydrate62708-56-9C18H16O9
L3MBTL1 Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
LCMT1 Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
Sacubitril Enantiomer, 10 mM in DMSO
LAIR1 Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
LCMT2 Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
Lambda Broth
KRT2 Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
L-739750 2HCl
KRT6A Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
Lambda Broth-ready to use
LDB1 Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
L-Lactic acid, 10 mM in DMSOL-(+)-? ?79-33-4C3H6O3
L(+)-Asparagine monohydrate, 10 mM in DMSO5794-13-8C4H10N2O4
LB sterile liquid medium
KRT222 Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
KSC-34, 10 mM in DMSO2226201-97-2C21H28ClN7O
L 012 sodium salt, 10 mM in DMSO143556-24-5C13H8ClN4NaO2
LCAT Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
KRT15 Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
LASP1 Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
LB Agar Plate (Kanamycin)
KRT4 Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
L3MBTL2 Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
L-DABA hydrobromide(S)-2,4-??????????????73143-97-2C4H11BrN2O2
LAMP2 Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
LB Lennox-ready to use
LB Agar Powder, Miller
KRT19 Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
KspAI (HpaI) (ER1031/ER1032)
LB sterile liquid medium (Ampicillin)
KRT73 Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
LBR Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
L-745870 trihydrochloride866021-03-6C18H20Cl2N4
KYAT1 Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
LB Agar Plate
LB sterile liquid medium (Kanamycin)
LB Broth-ready to use
KRT17 Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
2,3-Diaminopropionic acid hydrochloride1482-97-9C3H9ClN2O2
KRT40 Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
LAMB3 Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
LAT2 Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
Sacubitril-(2S,4S)-Isomer, 10 mM in DMSO
KRT31 Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
LBH Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
L-Xylose, 10 mM in DMSO609-06-3C5H10O5
Laminin Penta Peptide, amide??????-2110590-65-3C26H43N9O7
L-5-BromoTryptophan, 10 mM in DMSO25197-99-3C11H11BrN2O2
KT-362 fumarate, 10 mM in DMSO105394-80-7C26H32N2O7S
LB Agar Powder, Lennox
LB Lennox Agar-ready to use
(S)-2-Hydroxy-3-phenylpropanoic acid, 10 mM in DMSOL-(-)-3-?????20312-36-1C9H10O3
LB-Top Agar-ready to use
KRT8 Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
L-Arabinitol, 10 mM in DMSO7643-75-6C5H12O5
Sacubitril Enantiomerahu377????2761373-05-1C24H29NO5
Karl-Fisher Reagent without pyridine????? ???? ??????6106-24-7C4H9NaO7
LAMA1 Antigen (Peptide fragment)
LB-10 Lab Detergent
LDHC Antigen (Recombinant Protein)
Lactoferricin, bovine, (BLFC)C70H113N25O13S
LB Broth Powder, Lennox
LDHA-IN-3, 10 mM in DMSO227010-33-5C13H9F3Se
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