テルピネオール 化學(xué)特性,用途語,生産方法
"テルピノールをリン酸を用いて脫水すると,これらの混合物が生じる.これはライラックのような香気をもち,香料に用いられる.(R)-α-テルピネオールは融點(diǎn)37 ℃,沸點(diǎn)104 ℃(2 kPa).[α]D"+100.5°(エタノール).d421"0.9475.nD20"1.4819.LD50 4300 mg/kg(ラット,経口).β-テルピネオールは融點(diǎn)32~33 ℃,沸點(diǎn)209~210 ℃(100 kPa).d2020"0.919.nD20"1.4747.γ-テルピネオールは融點(diǎn)68~70 ℃.d480"0.8948.nD80"1.4628.
1,8-テルピンから1分子の水が脫離して生成する不飽和モノテルペンアルコールの総稱。α(アルファ)、β(ベータ)、γ(ガンマ)、δ(デルタ)の4種類の異性體が知られている。オレンジ油、杉の葉の精油に(+)-α-テルピネオール、ヒノキの精油にはβ-テルピネオール、マツ科の植物の葉にはγ-テルピネオールが含まれている。市販のテルピネオールは1,8-テルピンを薄い酸により脫水してつくったもので、α-テルピネオールが主成分である。このものはライラックに似た香りをもつ液體で、香料の原料として用いられる。[廣田 穰]
Terpineol is a monoterpene alcohol that has been found in a variety of plants, including
Cannabis, and has diverse biological activities. Terpineol contains the four isomers α-, β-, and γ-terpineol and terpinen-4-ol. α-Terpineol has antibacterial and antinociceptive properties. It is active against a variety of periodontopathic and cariogenic bacteria, including strains of
P. gingivalis,
F. nucleatum, and
A. actinomycetemcomitans (MICs = 0.1-0.8 mg/ml), however, it is toxic to KB cells when used at a concentration of 0.8 mg/ml. It also reduces mechanical hyperalgesia, as well as spontaneous and palpation-induced nociception, in a mouse model of cancer-induced pain beginning on day 5 when administered at a dose of 50 mg/kg per day. Terpinen-4-ol has anticonvulsant properties, inhibiting pentylenetetrazol-induced seizures in mice when used at doses ranging from 50 to 200 mg/kg. α-Terpineol and terpinen-4-ol also have anti-inflammatory properties, reducing LPS-induced production of IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-10, but not TNF-α, in U937 cells. This product is a mixture of α-, β-, and γ-terpineol.
It appears as colorless liquid or low-melting transparent crystal with a clove flavor. 1 part of terpineol can be dissolved in 2 parts (volume) of 70% ethanol solution, being slightly soluble in water and glycerol.
Reported to be found in more than 200 derivatives from leaves, herbs and flowers [Fenaroli 's Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 1971 ; Gildemeister & Hoffman, 1962).
Terpineol is a monoterpene alcohol with potential antifungal, antioxidant and antiproliferative activities. This product is a mixture of isomers.
From terpin hydrate by the splitting off of the elements of water by chemical means (Bedoukian, 1967).
α-Terpineol is a cyclic monoterpene. It is one of the major monoterpenol component of the cultivar Gewürztraminer and other aroma-rich grape varieties. α-Terpineol, a monoterpenoid alcohol, has been investigated for its anticonvulsant activity. It was one of the insecticidal constituent of the essential oils of
Dahlia pinnata.FCC includes the following isomers in the listed purity: alpha-, (E)-beta, (Z)-beta, gamma-, terpinen-4-ol, and terpinen-1-ol.
テルピネオール 上流と下流の製品情報(bào)